
    Faculty Positions at School of Radiation Medicine and Protection

School of Radiation Medicine and Protection (SRMP) and School of Radiological & Interdisciplinary Sciences (RAD-X), Soochow University is a school based on national key disciplines of Radiology. This school has developed to be an important base for personnel training and scientific research in radiation medicine and related areas. This school was built up based on advantages of the multidisciplinary of the Soochow University, and the rapid socio-economic development of Suzhou city. It has attracted talented people at home and abroad from area of radiation medicine, nuclear medicine, nuclear physics & technology, radiochemistry, advanced materials science, basic medicine & life sciences, clinical medicine, bioinformatics, pharmacology, environmental protection, etc.,establishing a “6+1” structural module including six centers: (1) Advanced radiotherapy of tumor biology; (2) Molecular imaging and nuclear medicine; (3) Radiation nanotoxicology; (4) Radiation protection and nuclear safety; (5)Radiation technology for radiation therapy; (6) Environmental radiochemistry for nuclear energytogether with a supporting platform: biomedical quantitative calculation supporting platform.

SRMP and RAD-X also devote themselves to cooperate with world famous research institutes, and organizes multidisciplinary collaborative innovative research, in order to solve critical scientific issues in radiology and major livelihood related to national socio-economic development. It is conducting cutting-edge researches mainly on advanced radiology and nuclear medicine, nanobio radiation medicine and engineering, environmental radiochemistry and nuclear safety. SRMP and RAD-X plan to have an important influence worldwide, and become internationally renowned research center of Radiology within five years.

 SRMP and RAD-X are headed by Professor Zhifang Chai (Member of Chinese Academy Science), academically leaded by 3-5 scientists awarded with National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of China. It has around 80 researchers, 20 post-doctoral researchers. It recruits around 60 postgraduate students every year.

The School of Radiation Medicine and Public Health (SRMPH) of Soochow University in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, is seeking outstanding candidates for Lecturer Associate and Full Professors in the broad areas of Radiation Medicine and related area, including radiation biology, radiation oncology, radiation protection, nuclear science & technology, radiation nanotoxicology and radiation chemistry.

Candidates for the Associate Professor positions should have a PhD with at least 3 year postdoctoral experience in the related fields and a scholarly publication record, while candidates for the Full Professor positions should have demonstrated the strong ability to develop an original and externally funded research program. All candidates should have a command of spoken and written English.

Successful applicants will be offered an excellent package including sufficient laboratory space, start-up funding, relocation expense and competitive salary commensurate with experience, in addition to an apartment/condo rental allowance and other employee benefits.

The Search Committee will review applications immediately and the search will continue until all positions are filled. Applicants should submit (i) a cover letter summarizing current research projects and future plans, (ii) a curriculum vitae, and (iii) names and contact details of three professional referees to:

Search Committee, School of Radiation Medicine and Public Health (SRMPH). Dushu Lake Campus, Soochow University, 199 Ren-Ai Road, Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, China; Fax: 86-512-65880052; Email: bxzhu@suda.edu.cn







  1. 恪守科学道德,学风正派、诚实守信、治学严谨;



  (1) 取得海内外知名高校博士学位并具有海外博士后经历,从事相关专业科研与技术工作三年以上;

  (2) 在海内外知名高校/科研机构获得助理教授及以上职位或其他相应职位。




  (1) 取得相关专业海内外知名高校博士学位或具有海外博士后经历,愿意继续从事本学院或研究院指定的研究工作;




1. 个人简历(含学习、科研、工作经历、论文和论著目录、研究工作创新点介绍以及今后研究工作打算等);

2. 3-5篇代表论文或论著;

3. 个人申请、专家推荐信及个人联系方式等。







E-mail: bxzhu@suda.edu.cn