讲座题目:Neural Circuits Associated with Compulsive Behavior of Drug Addiction








        Substance use disorder (SUD), also known as drug addiction, constitutes a major public health problem, and is associated with high rates of crime, recidivism, and mortality. Understanding the neural circuit plasticity that occurs during the transition from initial drug exposure and reinforced drug taking, to compulsive drug taking behaviors (often followed by repetitive withdrawals from and relapses to the drug) is critically important in the development of more efficacious treatments for SUDs. Using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we first identified distinct “go” and “stop” brain circuits, the imbalance of which was associated with compulsive behaviors of addiction in human drug users. Based upon these findings, a longitudinal study was designed using animal model to examine the causal relationships between drug taking, neural circuitry changes, and behavior alterations in addiction. A neuromodulation-based strategy is proposed for the treatment of addiction and related mental disorders such as gambling and internet addiction.


    胡玉正,男,浙江大学心理系百人计划研究员。研究方向为认知神经科学,主要使用多模态神经影像(功能磁共振成像[fMRI],弥散张量成像[DTI],波普成像[MRS])和神经调节技术(经颅磁刺激[TMS],光遗传学技术[Optogenetics])等技术在系统水平和细胞水平从学习、奖赏、认知控制、情绪等方面研究成瘾行为的脑机制,以第一或共同第一作者在JAMA Psychiatry, PNAS, Brain, Journal of Neuroscience, NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping等国际期刊发表论文。